Rules and Regulation of

Youth Community Action for Development.


1. There Articles may be called the Rules and Regulations of the Youth Community Action for Development.


2. In these Rules and Regulations unless the context otherwise requires the following words shall have the meanings assigned to them namely:

The ‘SOCIETY’ shall mean the Youth Community Action for Development.

The ‘GENERAL BODY’ means the General Body of the Society.

The ‘GOVERNMENT COUNCIL’ means the Governing Council of the Society.

The ‘EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE’ means the Executive Committee of the Society.

The ‘CHAIRMAN’ means the Chairman of the Society.

The VICE CHAIRMAN’ means the Secretary of the Society.

The ‘SECRETARY’ means the Secretary of the Society.

The’ MEMBER’ means a member admitted as such under rules of Society.

The ‘INDIVIDULA MEMBERS’ means Founder Members, Life Members and Ordinary Members.

The ‘PRESCRIBED’ means prescribed by bye-laws made by the Governing Council of the Society.

Words imparting the singular number shall include the plural number and vice-versa and words imparting the masculine gender shall include feminine and vice-



3. The General Body of the Society shall be composed of the following Classes of Members.

i) Founder Members

ii) Life Members.

iii) Ordinary Members.

iv) Institutional Member (Executive Head) and Donor Members (Executive Head). Of these, the former three would be known as Individual Members.

(a) Beside, there would be two other classes of members viz. Associate Member, Affiliated Member, both of them would have only observer status

without voting rights.

4. Eligibility For Membership For Each Class Will Be As Follows:

(i) Founder Member:

Any person who takes an active interest or part in the establishment of the before the first meeting of the General Body.

(ii) Life Member :

Any person who takes an active interest or part in the establishment of the before the first meeting of the General Body.

(iii) Ordinary Member:

Any person who is actually interested preservation of natural resources and the cultural heritage of the country.

(iv) Institutional Member:

Any academic or cultural body, including a University Department, or Registered Society interested in academic, cultural or social work.

(v) Donor Member:

(ii) Life Member:

Any person who takes an active interest or part in the establishment of

the before the first meeting of the General Body.

(iii) Ordinary Member:

Any person who is actually interested preservation of natural resources

and the cultural heritage of the country.

(iv) Institutional Member:

Any academic or cultural body, including a University Department, or

Registered Society interested in academic, cultural or social work.

(v) Donor Member:

Any public or private sector corporation or an individual.

(vi) Corporate Member:

Any public or private sector corporation.

(vii) Associate Member:

Any person, including University students, interested in the preservation

of natural and cultural heritage of the country. They will have only

observer status and carry no voting rights.

(viii) Affiliated Member:

Any international organization of regional, or world coverage pursuing

Objectives Similar to those of the aforesaid Society and devoting all or

part of its activities to one or more objective of the Society.

A Corporation, Society, Trust, Institution, Firm and other body or bodies

registered or unregistered who become Members of the Society in

whatever denomination or content their membership exists, would for the

purpose of institution, firm or body duly singed ‘by the President/

Chairman / Chief Trustee/ Managing Partner or the Chief Executive as the

case may be. The representation of such non Incas in relation to the

Society for all intents and purposes shall be deemed to be the

representation of the corporation, society, trust, institution, firm or the

body whose nominee the person happens to be.

5. Fees and subscription payable by each class of Member shall be as follows:

Class of Membership Admission fee Annual Subscription

(i) Founder Member 1000.00 -

(ii) Life Member 5000.00 -

(iii) Ordinary Member 100.00 50.00

(iv) Institutional Member 100.00 100.00

(v) Donor Member 100000.00 -

(vi) Corporate Member 5000.00 500.00

(vii) Associate Member 25.00 25.00

(viii) Affiliated Member - -

6. Subscriptions are payable in advance for a calendar year in full and fall due on

the first of January of the year for which they are due and payable within 90

days from the date they are due.

7. The Society shall keep a Roll of Member. Every Member of the Society shall sign

the Roll and state therein his occupation and address. No person shall be

deemed to be a member or entitled to exercise any rights and privileges of a

member unless he has signed the Roll of Member as aforesaid.

8. If a member of the society changes his address, his new address to the

Secretary who shall thereupon enter his new address in the Roll of Members.

9. Every Member shall be entitled to inspect the Roll of Me Society members by

giving at least 15 days notice in writing to the Secretary of the Society.

10. No person who is an un discharged insolvent or who has been convicted of any

offence in connection with the promotion, management or conduct of the affairs

of the Society.

11. Where a person becomes a member of the Society by reason of the office or

appointment he holds, the membership of the Society shall stand terminated

when he ceases to hold that office or appointment.

12. Should any person who is a member of the Society or any other committee by

reason of the office or appointment he holds, be prevented from attending any

meeting of the Society he shall be at liberty to appoint an authorize a

representative to takes his place at that meeting, and such a representative

shall have all the rights and privileges of a member of the Society for that

meeting only.

13. The Annual General Meeting of the, Youth Community Action For Development

shall be held once in a year. The quorum for the meeting shall be 2/3 members

including the Chairman. In the event of the quorum not being present within half

an hour of the scheduled time, the meeting shall be adjourned for the next date

and time, within one week of the schedule meeting as may be decided by the

Chairman. In case the quorum is not formed even on that day, the adjourned

meeting shall be deemed to form the valid quorum. Notice of the adjourned

meeting will be put on the notice board of the office of Youth Community Action

for Development.

14. The General Body shall transact the following business:

i) The election of the Chairman of the Society and/or other members of the

Governing Council (for term of office see below clause 16(a)(i). The first

elected Chairman and Governing Body and the first Executive Committee

of the Society shall hold office for a period of five years and shall be

eligible for re-election.

ii) Consideration of annual report:

iii) Consideration of audited accounts for the outgoing year.

iv) Appointment of auditors for the ensuing year and fixing their

remuneration; (v) other business on the agenda; and

v) Such other business as may be brought forward with the permission of the

Presiding Officer.


15. The Society shall have a Patron.

16. The affairs of the Society will be carried out by the Governing Council and the

Executive Committee whose composition and functioning will be as follows :-

(A) Governing Council: The Governing Council of the Society shall be elected by the

General Body in its Annual General Meeting from amongst members enjoying

voting rights and it will not have less than 11 members and not more than 42

members. Of these, beside the Chairman twelve will be elected from amongst

the Founder and/or Life Members, five from amongst Ordinary Members, thee

form Institutional Members and six from Donor Members. In addition, there

would be nine members of the Executive Committee with voting rights and six

ex-official members.

i) The Governing Council shall not be subject to dissolution. One third of its

elected members shall retire by rotation on the expiration of three years

on the basis of lots drawn, another outgoing members shall be eligible for


ii) The Governing Council shall hold at least two meetings in a year. The

quorum for the meeting shall be one fifth of its members. The meeting will

be convened by the Secretary.

iii) The Governing Council shall elect a Vice-Chairman, two Secretaries and

other members of the Executive Committee who will hold office for a term

of three years but shall be eligible for

Re-election, provide that the first office Bearers of the Council shall hold

office for a period five years and likewise be eligible for re-election

iv) The Chairman shall preside eve, the meetings of the General Body, the

Governing Council shall and the Executive Committee

v) When a casual vacancy occurs in the office of the Chairman, the

Governing Council shall elect a Chairman as soon as possible. He shall

hold office for the un expired term of the previous incumbent but shall be

eligible for re-election

(B) Executive Committee: The Executive Committee will consist of nine members

and shall be constituted m follows:-

1. Chairman

2. Vice Chairman

3. Two Secretaries

4. Five Members elected by the Governing Council provided that one

of them should have expertise in legal and another in financial

affairs and should be able to advise the Committee on such


i) The Members of the Executive Committee shall hold office for a term of

three years but shall be eligible for re-election, provided that members of

the first Executive Committee formed after the registration of the Society

shall hold office for a period of five years and shall likewise be eligible for


ii) The Executive Committee will hold at least four meetings in a calendar

year, the quorum for the meeting being one third of the members. The

meetings would be convened by the Secretary.

iii) Any casual vacancy amongst the members of the Executive Committee,

arising from death, resignation, removal or otherwise may be filled by

election/co-option by the Executive Committee and the members so

elected shall hold office for the un expired portion of the term of the office

of the member causing the vacancy.

iv) The-Executive Committee shall function notwithstanding any vacancy

therein and notwithstanding any defect in its constitution and no act or

proceeding of the Executive Committee shall be invalid by reason only of

the existence of the vacancy amongst its members or any defect in its



17. The rights, powers and functions of the Governing Council shall be as follows

(A) All properties moveable, immovable or of any other kind shall stand

vested in The Governing Council.

(B) The business and affairs of the Society shall be carried on and managed

by the Governing Council who shall exercise all such powers and authority

of the Society as are not.

(C) The Governing Council shall have all such powers and shall perform all

such functions as are necessary or proper for the achievement or

furtherance of the objectives of the Society.

(D) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the

Governing agencies.

(i) To issue appeals and applications for money and funds it

furtherance of the said objectives of the Society, and to accept,

both from Government and non-Government agencies, Indian and

Foreign Grants, Gifts Donations, Benefactions, Bequests, Funds-in-

Society, Subscriptions of Cash and Securities and of any property

moveable or immovable to be utilized for the purchase of the


(ii) To invest and deal with funds and money of the Society in

accordance with the provisions of the income Tax Act, 1961.

(iii) To undertake and accept the management of any assets properties,

bequests, endowments or Society funds.

(iv) To acquire, purchase or otherwise own or take on lease, temporarily

or permanently, any moveable or immovable property including

cultural property necessary or convenient in furtherance of the

objectives of the Society.

(v) To sell, mortgage, lease, exchange and otherwise transfer or

dispose of all or any part of the property, moveable or immovable,

in furtherance of the objective of the Society.

(vi) To construct, maintain, alter, extend, improve, develop or repair

any immovable property belonging to or held by the Society or to

expend such.

(vii) To make rules and bye-laws for the conduct of the affairs of the

Society and to add, amend, vary or rescind them from time to time.

(viii) To appoint Committees and Sub-Communities as deemed fit or

carry out the objective of the Society. The Society shall in turn have

the right to set guidelines for the proper functioning of the

Committees and Sub-Communities :

(ix) To delegate any or all its powers to any of the Committees and

Sub-Committees constituted by it.

(x) To pay out of the funds belonging to the Society or out of any

particular part of such funds the expenses incurred by the Society

from time to time including all expenses incidental to the formation

of the Society and management and administration of any of the

foregoing objectives; including all rents, rates, taxes, out goings

and salaries, related allowances, including fringe benefits of the


(xi) To grant scholarships and stipends in furtherance of the said


(xii) To acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease or otherwise lands,

buildings or other immovable property including cultural, cultural,

historical or like property together with all rights appertaining to it


(xiii) To construct and maintain buildings, or natural resources of

whatsoever nature including the right to alter or improve them or to

equip them suitably.

(xiv) To manage the properties of the Society.

(xv) To accept the management of any Society fund, bequest P-1

endowment with like or similar objective or in which the Society

may be interested.

(xvi) To raise funds for the Society by gifts, donations or otherwise :

(xvii) To set up centers in India or elsewhere as and when deemed

necessary for the furtherance of the objective of the Society,

(xviii) To raise loans.

(xix) To receive monies, securities, instruments and/ or any other

moveable property including cultural remains and other property of

scientific value of for the conservation of natural resources for and

on behalf of the Society.

(xx) To enter into agreements for and on behalf of the Society.

(xxi) To sue and defend all legal proceedings on behalf of the Society.

(xxii) To institute a Provident Fund for the benefit of the employees of the

Society and mange such Provident Fund.

(xxiii) To grant receipts to sign and execute instruments and to endorse or

discount cheque or other negotiable instruments through its

accredited agents.

(xxiv) To make sign and execute all such documents and instruments as

may be 10 necessary or proper for carrying on the management of

the property or affairs of the Society.

(xxv) To invest the monies and funds of the Society and vary the

investment as and when it may seem necessary or proper.

(xxvi) To make suitable grants of money or other technical assistance to

voluntary organizations or societies for the preservation of cultural

property or the prosecution of any research or investigation of

study in a subject in which the Society is interested or for the

conservation of natural resources or for scientific resources;

(xxvii) To grant fellowships, scholarships or other monetary assistance, on

such terms and conditions as it may prescribe, to such persons as it

may select for the carrying out of any research or investigation or

study in which the Society may be interested.

(xxviii) To manage, sell and transfer or otherwise dispose of any

property, movable or immovable, of the Society.

(xxix) To advance monies with or without security on such terms as

considered proper to any affiliated or similar body having objective

similar or that of the Society.

(xxx) To assign, from time to time, such functions and duties and

delegate such powers as it may deem fit to the Executive


(xxxi) To prescribe the powers functions and duties of the technical,

administrative and executive staff.

(xxxii) To appoint an auditor or auditors for auditing the accounts of the

Society and to report thereon;

(E) The Governing Council shall inter-alia have the power to make bye-laws in

Expect of the following matter:

(i) The management of the properties funds affairs and works of the Society.

(ii) The conditions and procedure under and according to which the members

of the Governing Council and the Executive Committee are to be elected.

iii) The conditions and procedure under and according to which the

Several classes of members of the Society may be enrolled and the

subscription, if any, to be paid by the different cuisine of members;

(iv) The procedure for the convening and the conduct of the meetings of he

Governing Council, the Executive Committee and such other bodies as

may be set up from time to time, including provision for the transaction of

business by circulation of papers, proxy or otherwise as may be deemed


v) The creation or abolition of posts and the procedure the appointment of

the technical, administrative and ministerial staff,

vi) The preparation and sanction of budget estimates and the sanctioning of


vii) The appointment of an Internal Auditor;

(F) The Governing Council shall have power to repeal amend and modify the by-


(G) The Governing Council may, from time to time, delegate all or any of its powers

to the Executive Committee.

18. Subject to the general rules and directions of the Governing Council, the powers

and functions of the Executive Committee shall be as follows :-

i) To make decisions on applications for membership with a right to refuse

membership without assigning reasons. The decision of the Committee

shall be final.

ii) To prepare and execute plans and programs for the furtherance of the

objectives of the Society.

iii) To appoint and control such staff as may be required for the deficient

management of the affairs.

iv) To appoint such and so many persons and on such terms and conditions

as it may deem fit, for the undertaking of the studies, investigations,

research or conservation measures undertaken by the Society,

v) To select, from time to time, subjects in which investigations, studies and

research may be conducted by the Society.

vi) To correspond with professional organizations, both international, studies

and research may be conducted by the Society.

vii) To nominate delegates to represent the Society at conferences on

subjects and in such manner as it may deem fit from time to time.

viii) To publish and/or to finance the publication of studies, books periodicals,

reports newsletters or other literature as also preparation of films and

related materials etc., and to sell or arrange of the sale them, as it may

deem fit, from time to time.

ix) To arrange for the documentation of materials relating to cultural


x) To set up and maintain a library or libraries.

xi) To appoint, from time to time, Sub-Committees for disposal of any

business or for advice in any matter pertaining to Society and /or delegate

thereunto such powers, duties and functions as it may deem it.

xii) To perform all such acts and duties and all such powers as may be

delegated or assigned to it by the Governing Council.

xiii) To perform all such acts and duties and exercise all such powers as may

be for the carrying on of the Society subject to the general direction of the

Governing Council.

xiv) To prepare a budget in respect of the financial year next ensuing and to

present it to the General Body for consideration and approval.


19. All meetings of the General Body, the Governing Council and the Executive

Committee shall be held in KOTA unless otherwise indicated by the Chairman.

20. The annual meetings of the General Body shall be convened by the Chairman/

Secretary of the Society. Provided that special meetings of the General Body

shall be convened on requisition in writing by four or nine members of the

Executive Committee or at least one fourth of the number of members on Roll.

21. There shall be clear 15 days notice for the meetings of the General Body and

seven days for meetings of shall be seven days for the General Body and four

days for the Governing Council and the Executive.

22. Any urgent business which it may be necessary for the Governing Council or the

Executive Committee to perform may be carried out by circulation of papers.

Any matter so circulated and approved by two majorities of the members by

affixing their signatures there to shall be effective and binding.

23. The Chairman and in his absence the Vice-Chairman may invite any person or

persons to attend any meeting of the Trust and to participate in the deliberations

of the meeting provided that no such person shall have a right to vote on any

matter at any meeting.

24. Every member of the Society shall have one vote and in case of equality of votes

the Presiding Officer shall have a casting vote.


25. The Headquarters of the Society shall be KOTA.

26. The Society shall have its own fund and all the receipts of the Society through

grants, donations, subscriptions and fees, as well as income from investments,

publications, aid other sources, shall be carried to the fund and all payments by

the Society shall be made there from.

27. The Banking Account of the Society shall be in the name of Youth Community

Action For Development. All receipt of the Society shall be paid to the account of

the Society and shall not be withdrawn except by a cheque singed by any one of

the two Secretaries and the Coordinator appointed by the Society.

28. The accounts of the Society shall be audited by the Auditors appointed for the

purpose by the General Body.

29. No member of the Governing Council or Executive Committee or any other

member shall seek donations on behalf of the Society without formal approval of

the Executive Committee.

30. No member of Youth Community Action for Development shall use the name of

the Chairman in his capacity as Prime Minister or otherwise for soliciting any

facilities, including credit, donations, etc., from any Government body or the

public or otherwise even in correspondence or publications of any kind.

31. No member shall use the name of Youth Community Action for Development for

soliciting any facilities.

32. Any member who has committed a breach of any of the Rules of the Society or

who has refused to or neglected to abide by any of such Rules or who has

committed any act which, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, is

calculated or likely to bring discredit to the Rules of the Society may be removed

from the membership of the Society by a resolution of three-fourths-of-the

members of the Executive Committee present at a special meeting thereof

convened for the purpose after at least twenty one days notice. Provided that no

such resolution shall be passed unless the member concerned is informed by a

registered letter (acknowledgement due) at least twenty one days before such a

meeting, of the date, time and place of the meeting and of the grounds on which

it is proposed to remove him from the membership of the Society and is given

an opportunity to explain his conduct to the Executive Committee in writing or in

person at such a meeting.

33. The name of any member whose subscription falls in arrears for more than 90

days shall be removed from the Roll of Members of the Society unless the

Executive Committee shall otherwise decide.

34. The name of a member removed from the Roll of Members of the Society may

be restored thereto only on payment of such sum as the Executive Committee

may determine in each case.

35. No benefactions shall be accepted by the Society which in its opinion involve

conditions or obligations opposed to the spirit and objectives of the Society.

36. The Rules of the Society shall not be altered except by a resolution passed by a

two-third majority of the members present at a meeting of the Governing

Council convened for the purpose.

37. No proposal for alternation of the Rules of the, Society shall be considered by

the Governing Council unless At least twenty-eight days’ notice thereof has been

given to the Secretary and unless at least fourteen days’ notice thereof has been

given by the Secretary to the Members.

38. If upon the dissolution of the Society, there shall remain after the satisfaction of

its debts and liabilities any property, whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to

or distributed among the members of the Society, but shall be given over to

organization with comparable purposes according to the decision of the

Governing Council or in default thereof that the a competent Court.

39. Notwithstanding anything contained in the above rules, for the tenure of one

year from the date of registration of this Society, the Governing Council shall

consist of eleven members. The Governing Council so constituted under this

clause shall be deemed to be a legally constituted Governing Council as

envisaged under Clause of Article16 of the Rules and shall be deemed to be the

Governing Council enjoying all powers and functions envisaged under the Rules,

for all intents and purposes.

40. Once in every year a list of the Office Bearers and Members of the Governing

Council and Executive Committee shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies,

Kota as required under Section 4 of the Societies Registration Act, 1958, as

applicable to the Territory of Rajasthan.

41. The Society shall sue or shall be sued in the name of the Secretary, as per the

provisions laid down under Section 6 of the Societies Registration Act, 18 as

applicable to the Territory or Rajasthan,

42. The amendments if any in respect of ‘ Purposes (aims and objectives) or change

of name in the Memorandum shall be made under Section 12 and 12(A) of the

Societies Registration Act, 1958, as applicable to the Territory of Rajasthan.

43. If the Society needs to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved as per provisions laid

down under Section 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act, 1958 as

applicable to the Territory of Rajasthan.


Certified that this is the true and correct copy of the rules and regulations of the

Youth Community Action For Development.