I. The name of the society shall be the YOUTH COMMUNITY ACTION FOR

DEVELOPMENT here in after referred to as the society.

II. The registered office of the society shall be situated in KOTA or anywhere in the

territory of RAJASTHAN as the society may decide and at present it is at 6


(Rajasthan). Working area all Rajasthan.

III. The objective & aims for which the society is formed are:

1) To involve youth in community development.

2) To gain more recognition and status for youth.

3) To give more outlets for youth’s potential to serve the community.

4) To build up self-confidence in youth.

5) To establish smooth communication between youth groups and adult


6) To inculcate nationality in youth

7) The process of community development invariably deals with the following


(i). Community

(ii). Development

(iii). Community organization

(iv). People’s involvement

(v). Local committees

(vi). Resource mobilization

(vii). Self help

(viii). Social change

(ix). Social action

8) Working with local bodies and community.

9) To promote mutual contact, a democratic outlook and a spirit of oneness

among the youth.

10) To promote the social, cultural, educational and intellectual development

of the youth.

11) To promote consciousness among the youth community for the events

taking place around them, with a view to equip them for tomorrow as a


12) To promote among the youth community a sense of service to the people,

and duty towards the society.

13) To promote close relationship between youth community & aged society.

14) To meet & discuss for the society and make representation to the

authorities on the matters of common interest.

15) Making the community platform, an instrument of expression of their

views, grievances and demands.

16) Initiating and organizing self-help and relief activities among youth

community for the society.

17) To promote academic and social interest for the youth generally by

maintaining a library, a reading room and a writing room.

18) To maintain co-operative stores and co-operative multi program for the


19) To develop a sense of social service among the youth.

20) To establish, maintain and conduct one or more internal youth activities

centers for community welfare and promoting mutual understanding & co-

operation among the society.

21) Such a youth community may be multi-purpose in character - recreation &

service to youth, a coordinating team for the all kinds of development for

the society, a center for youth in a position direction by social welfare and

awareness through a variety of program and a counseling bureau to

advice on various problems confronting youth.

22) To provide multi information for employment trade skills, craft, arts &

cultural activities to youth as a relief in conditioning undecided future.

23) Auditorium for educational films, cultural performances, meeting etc.

Sports center with facilities for indoor and outdoor games.

24) Documentation center equipped with material on youth moments and

youth life programs for community welfare and library, reading room,

discussion club and study circles.

25) Counseling bureau to advice on careers, courses, study and jobs.

26) Travel and information bureau on various topics through personally and


27) To organize the training program to enable trainees to acquire ability to

understand, analyze and foresee and help them in the development of

activities which will make them more sensitive to situations and problems

of the community and inculcate in them a sense of social awareness and

the will to act and work.

28) To help in the development potential and qualities, so that they may not

only be able to assume positions of responsibility but many may also

provide necessary guidance and assistance to youth community group in

the realization of their objectives through a variety of programs and


29) To enable them to acquire such knowledge, skill and techniques which will

help the trainees in discharging their functions and trained youth workers,

with competence and effort?

30) To help in their personal growth through a constant process of self

evaluation and self exploration and through the development of a set of

values personal and or social.

31) To provide a variety of group experience which will enable them to

understand and appreciate fellow-be and develop attitude of respect,

support and compassion toward people.

32) Developing the power of debating so as to in each their general

knowledge about current affairs and to make them known about the

facilities provided by the Government and made available from difference


33) Establishing contacts with other community welfare organization for youth

and call them for positive awareness among youth.

34) To promote the corporate, social and intellectual life of the youth age.

35) In general to look after their welfare interest.

36) To hold debates so as to enable members to learn the art, culture, music

& debating.

37) To arrange public lectures so as to stimulate in cultural and public affairs.

38) To establish and operate the Youth education & Culture centers, Coaching,

Training & Exercise to improve ideas, attitudes and aspirations among

young generations.

39) Some of youth training requirements can be identified as follows :-

(A) Motivation.

(B) Dealing with the problem of over-identification.

(C) Managing the status feeling within the groups.

(D) Understanding non-verbal dimensions of behavior.

(E) Public relations.

(F) Respect for the public property

(G) Adult educations, literacy, recreational and cultural activate.

40) To orient youth group so that a variety of activates could be taken up by

them in the interest of the community.

Youth Community Action for Development

Dedicated to empowering youth across Rajasthan through collaborative initiatives and community-driven projects that foster growth and development.

a group of people standing next to each other
a group of people standing next to each other



Community Engagement

Youth Empowerment

Our Location

The society is based in Kota, Rajasthan, focusing on youth community action for development across the entire state of Rajasthan.


6 Janpath, Akelgarh, Kota


9 AM - 5 PM

Community Projects

Empowering youth through community action and development initiatives.

three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
Youth Empowerment

Engaging youth in meaningful community development projects.

woman placing sticky notes on wall
woman placing sticky notes on wall
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
a street at night with cars parked on the side of the road
a street at night with cars parked on the side of the road
Social Initiatives

Creating positive change through collaborative social projects.